Wednesday, July 3, 2019

After Nike Cancels ‘American Flag’ Shoes, Republican Governor Cancels Nike From His State

Washed up Colin Kaepernick got Nike to flip – but they’re in deep trouble.

Seems like Nike will do anything disgraced former NFL player Colin Kaepernick does.
The shoe company was all set to release a super-patriotic sneaker that featured the original American Flag.
I can see plenty of Americans snatching up those kicks, just to show their pride. But Kaepernick, a man who seems to hate this country, told them to kill the sneaker.

And Nike just listened.
I guess an out-of-work hack that nearly crippled the NFL has more pull in that company than the CEO!
But now, Arizona is hitting back.
From Fox News:
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey announced Tuesday he was ordering the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw incentives for Nike building a manufacturing plant in the state.
Ducey made the announcement in a series of tweets after The Wall Street Journal reported that former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick urged Nike to nix a USA-themed sneaker, which featured a Betsy Ross flag on the heel, over slavery connotations.
How much damage does Kaepernick want to do to this country? He claims the patriotic sneakers had “slavery connotations.”
Hey Colin! That’s the American flag. This man is so full of it, he’s getting his targets confused. Just like his time as an NFL quarterback.
Gov. Doug Ducey is taking a huge risk when he withdrew incentives for Nike. The company might move its factory somewhere else—maybe even overseas.
But this is how outraged Ducey and many others are. How could a major company insult the entire country—and our history—because some entitled elitist tells them to?
Kaepernick comes from a rich, privileged family. Yet he pretends to understand the plight of minorities.
So much so, he is spreading hate and disrespect for our country. Even after he destroyed the NFL’s reputation, he’s still not satisfied.
Nike needs to show they are on the side of Americans, not some rich punk.
SHARE to thank Governor Ducey for making Nike and Kaepernick pay!
Source: Fox News